ok, Where did I leave off?
Oh ya....
The Prince says he knew about the messy guy and the list of mess people
Ok, back on track....
This midsize town has a little town newsletter....with a lot of subscribers. One day, up pops this notice that some people have told someone else they can't come and play with the others. It said that only the Prince and Princess and a couple of others can tell people they can't come play in their playpen anymore.
"Wowsers" said Ms Matron. "What is going on here?"
So off trots Ms Matron to ask the Prince what the heck is going on. "Welp", says the Prince, "seems that ursula told a messy dom that he was ban from coming to our playpen."
"No way!" Ms Matron says.
"Yes way". says the Prince. "Someone else also tried to ban someone from coming to the playpen as well...but I don't remember who".
"Wow!" say Ms Matron who is thinking that she just might have to ask ursula about this. Ms Matron is a guardian of the newsletter and wants to make sure that things are on the up and up.
Ms Matron goes over to see ursula and ask a few questions.
"Yo! ursula, what is going on in your neck of the woods?" asks Ms Matron, thinking this is a good way to get around to asking questions.
"Have you been a bad ursula?", Ms Matron asks?
"Aren't I always?", replies ursula.
"More than usual this time I thinks", says Ms Matron, "I hears ya got summat to do with the playpen banning."
"I do?" says ursula oh so innocently, "Lemme check the mailbox and see what's in there!""Wow!" says ursula, "there use is a lot in here. But ain't my place to tell someone not to come to the playpen! I don't talk to Mr. Messy now and I ain't gonna talk to him! All my issues with Mr Messy has been told to the Prince and he's going to handle it!"
"Great!", says Ms Matron, "glad to know you are not involved!" But Ms Matron knew something was up as the Prince specifically said that ursula talked to Mr. Messy and now ursula says that she hasn't said anything to him. Someone be tellin a big ole fib...but who could it be? Ms Matron knows it couldn't be the Prince because while he's many things, he's not a fibber. Ms Matron doesn't know ursula all that well, but she feels sort of sorry for her following a rather lengthy tale of woe.
So, puzzled, Ms Matron goes to see the Prince."Yo, Prince!", she yells, "I am in a puzzlement about summat!"
"What is it?", ask the Prince.
"Welp, I talk to ursula about Mr Messy and...", starts off Ms Matron.
"You did what!" yells the Prince, "You shouldn't have done that!"
Let me take a moment here to state that Ms Matron is not all that. Some think she is but, she ain't perfect. Some times she's just plain nosy but she keeps what she knows to herself. When things do not add up is when she starts asking questions...though sometimes she'll just throw something out there to see what bites. Ok? Ms Matron ain't Miss Thang, ya know?
"You did what?" yell the Prince. "You shouldn't have done that!"
"I wanted to know!" yells back Ms Thang, er....Matron. "Some body be lying and well, I know it ain't you!" She added."That ursula, she said she ain't said nuthin' to no one. Now what is going on?" Ms Matron ask in puzzlement.
"Heck if I know", says the Prince, "but I am real disappointed in your big mouth running on about all of this", and the conversation turns to other things.
A little while afterwards, Ms Matron gets a notice that her services as a guardian are terminated. "Well, can't say I'm all surprised by that" she thinks. She then tries to go to the newsletter place and find that lo and behold its doors are closed to her!
"What the heck?" Ms Matron thinks, "what is this all about! And all of this without a word why. Most decent folk would at least have said summat some reason! Oh well, I've been thrown out of worse places". With that she then turns her mind to the main point of this little exercise.
Ms Matron ponders a moment then decides to ask one of Mr Messy's friend about all of this. She asks Daisy find out the truth of what really happened between ursula and Mr Messy and did ursula really say all that she said to him and then to come back and let her know because she'd like to know the truth if anyone actually knows anymore.
There was something else going on at the same time as this.....something that happened at one of the play times in the playpen. Something that the truth of which has yet to be unraveled. The prince is also worried about someone trying to overthrow the throne.....
So our detective Ms Matron waits for some answers to our mysteries.....