Sunday, December 03, 2006

Is there a problem here?


If you are drinking too much, you can improve your life and health by cutting down. How do you know if you drink too much? Read these questions and answer "yes" or "no":

  • Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad?
  • Does your drinking ever make you late for work?
  • Does your drinking worry your family?
  • Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't?
  • Have you ever been arrested for drunk driving?
  • Do you ever forget what you did while you were drinking?
  • Do you get headaches or have a hang-over after you have been drinking?
  • Do you sneak drinks, hide your habit, lie about your consumption of alcohol?

Yes to any of this questions mean you have some issues and need to wake up to the fact that there IS a problem.

I have a friend who imbibes. He's come to the house sometimes and has bragged about his drunken deeds. We laugh, but at the same time it's appalling and time after time we ask if he thinks all this boozing will ever end.

I remember asking him once if he thought he was an alcoholic. I think I made him mad because he didn't come back over for a while. His answer? "hell no!" I asked him if he thought he drank too much. "Darlin', I don't drink enough...I'm still standing."

What ever he is, he is a functional alcoholic. He goes about his everyday life 'soberly' until work time is over and them boom. There he is.....downing at least half a case.

Yer thinking, half a case? That's not that bad. Ya? Every day or near about every day??? I'm suprised he's still got a functioning liver. Dude has a problem everyone sees it but him. He thinks that no one knows, but boy, that's where he's wrong. They do see it....and its like watching a train wreck.

He uses excuses for it......'there's problems at home, I've had a hard day, I've suffered in my life when my fish got flush, etc, etc, etc.' When my friend is home, he uses that as an excuse to come over and down a case. Fortunately my friend doesn't drink or there would be some problems.

There isn't any kind of excuse for drinking to excess, binge drinking, etc. I used to think that only college kids that sort of stupid shit. And yes, drinking like a college student is stupid....there isn't anything cool about puking yer guts out after a night drinking. I've woke up places and not known how I got there. I've puked in places I have thankfully forgotten....sort of.

I stopped drinking because I hated the way I feel the next day. I hated puking. I hated headaches. I hated the way I smelled.

This guy though, he thinks that no one knows he has a problem. His wife mentions that he has bottles hidden. He's taken to using those little breath strips to cover the smell....chewing gum, anything he can find that will mask the odor of booze.

Got news for you. It doesn't work....any cop can tell you that.

This guy better wise up soon. His wife is ready to take the kids and leave because she's tired of the lies. I'd hate for that to happen. They are nice people. When he's sober, he's the coolest guy around.

It makes me worry though...someday, he's going to lose what's good in his life because he can't control himself.

Be a shame wouldn't it?

'nuf said

Monday, September 18, 2006

Body language

I haven't addressed anything 'lifestyle' related in quite a while. I'm way over due.

In talking with a buddy about mentoring, the conversation shifted around until we got to something that is near and dear to me.

Body language.

I am a Dominant. I have several profiles out in various places and I get the occasion email from people who want to meet for my brand of dominance which is Domination and Corporal Punishment. What I tell them in the profile and on the phone or email is that I don't see anyone without first meeting somewhere public and in a very vanilla setting.

Then, I ask them questions about theirselves, health, lifestyle questions and I watch them closely to notice small or large changes in their body language. I also notice how they answer, if they give it thought or just spit it out of if they are watching me to gage how to best please with with their answer. I have a great poker face for the interview process....smiling and nodding when appropriate, etc.

But, I watch them. I watch to see if mouth and body are in synch. It is useful to know if they are trying to trying to pull something over on me in some way. Something in the way they move can clue you into exactly what they are thinking...or feeling.

I talked with a sub once who told me that he was interested in this and that, was curious about this and that and wanted to try this and that. This and that in once part pertained to anal play.
He was sitting there with his bare face hanging out telling me, 'yes yes, this was something he wanted very much to do'. His body on the other hand, just folded up on himself. He totally shut himself off from me. I remarked on this and he was embarassed a bit and came clean. He wasn't ready for any of this and soon afterwards he left. I have not seen or heard from him since.

There are many places on the web to look for clues in how to read body language. Remember it is not always going to be the same for everyone, but some basics will be similiar. Reading someone is a developed talent. By developed, I mean you got to work with developing the skill every day. Test yourself, observe others. Read up on it, study. It will make you a better dominant.

Did I say that?

Oh yes, part of what we do in play or in ordinary living is to observe our partners. Don't listen with just your ears, listen with your eyes. Watch them, focus on how they breath, watch their skin, observe everything about them. If they aren't doing something they way their should, work with them gently on it. Example: breathing. We do it automatically yes, but sometimes during a scene the sub may hold their breath...or they may be gasping. In though the nose, out though the mouth. Or if they are holding their breath for you are about to pull off the zipper you should know by then if holding their breath is something they should do or not. For some it heightens a sensation, for others, it makes no difference. But, I firmly believe, and yer free to tell me I'm wrong, that working with some to learn to take deep breaths correctly can only help them. And, watch them closely, you may learn something new.

In working with their breathing, it can work to your advantage in that you can make it sensual. Hold them close, front or back, match your breathing to theirs....maybe heartbeats also match. Breath as one, exhale as one, be one.

Try it, I dare you.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Master Jack's new toy....

Mr Fish is going to need therapy.

Lots of it.

Imagine looking at that everytime you look up.


Fish don't have eyelids they can keep shut either. Sucks to be a fish I should think.

Ok, maybe you think I am guilty of cruelty of some sort to fishes.


Jack, is home by himself all day long. I don't spend every waking moment with him when I am here.....mostly yelling at him to get off this, stay off that....and stop doing what ever it is he's doing that he shouldn't be doing.

My gawd, I have a little furry child...

Can a fish die of fright?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Enough is enough....

I was watching the news....flipping between CBS and NBC. What I saw there on a story they did, I found appalling. They have raised the age limit for enlistment to 42. This may be good for some who actually do want to join, but thought they were too old. They are also extending their time.

This is asking for trouble.....hell, its not asking, its inviting it in.

I do not believe anyone believes in this war....maybe at the beginning, when it appeared we had an ideal we were fighting for. Now, its appears to be nothing more than protecting the interests of big business. The troops are worn out, their gear is worn out, nerves are stretch from here to the moon, and still, they give and give.

What ever dieties are involved......bless those troops......what they are doing is above and beyond.

I am inspired by the memory of a picture of a person that tried to make a difference.....and in his own way, did just that. I don't think that was his just happened and someone was there to document that moment.

Remember the picture of the man who stood in front of all those tanks in China? In Tiananmen Square? That took balls, it took the sort of courage I know I do not have, though I hope if the situation called for it, I would be brave enough to take a stand regarding my government. I say brave because the belief is, that man was later executed by his government. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to die for whatever cause.

I'd like to think I am....but I'm not sure. Maybe, who know.......

Anyway, the point is, I believe, if we are to get out of Iraq/Afganistan.....we are going to have to stand in front of the tank that is our government. As I remember, they are supposed to represent the will of 'we, the people'. This 'we', says get out of that sandbox and let them go to hell in their own way.

I mean damn, let them do what they will......let them, their people, rise up and smite them down.....not bitch and whine at use because we didn't do whatever, and do not respect them and their religion...etc. I'm sick of it. Bring our people home.

I'm not sure where to find my tank, but I know I can do something, even if its only writing those Washington pukes about what this 'people' wants.

I suggest you do the same. Who knows if they will start a draft....and its' your sons/daughters/husbands/wife they send off to die.

not 'enuff said.....

Monday, August 21, 2006

a submissive, a attempt to explain a little something

I'm not sure how to actually approach this topic. I know a lot of people in this lifestyle are simply not aware of the difference between someone who is a slave and someone who is a submissive.

The difference is..................choices. Ok, that is one of the differences anyway, but I believe it is actually one of the major differences.

What I see mostly here, is that submissives are submissive when out in public at lifestyle functions, parties, etc. It is a 'role' they perform for others. This is all well and good, it makes everyone happy.

A slave, is a slave. ALL the time. A proper slave, not one that plays a slave for what ever amusement it provided, defers to his/her Owner in all things. ALL the time. S/he is representative of their owner. They are property. Therein lies the difference. Property.

Many do not do not understand this. They think its 'play' or fake, or illegal...etc. Even when they are in the presence of a slave, they still do not understand the fundamental difference. It is hard for them to wrap their minds around that concept, the reality that slavery a being who has given themself to another: mind, body and soul. Even marriage is not so binding as someone who has given theirself in slavery.

An owner may or may not have some sort of devotion to their slave. A slave, gives all their devotion to their owner.

I do not see where others can actually grasp that idea. I already know they cannot give that much of theirselves up to it....and their mistress/master maybe actually unwilling to go that far into the actuality of ownership.

Most will never understand that level of service....or experience it.

'nuff said

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

musings, and not so a-musing

It is said, that god works in mysterious ways.

I remember driving home after I first went to work and praying......yes, me, praying; asking god to look after Jake. I pleaded with god to watch over him, not to let Jake get hurt, not to allow any of the horrible things I kept imagining happening from happening.

In a way, I'm here to tell you that prayer does work. Just not in the way that I actually imagined. I have to learn to be more specific in what I pray for. Jake is safe from all the nasty horrible things I prayed not to happen. Jake died because he got a little scratch from another cat in a fight.

I miss Jake. Not that I don't care for the new little master, but he's not Jake.

I'll tell you something creepy. While I was sitting here writing about Jake, Jack/Jake jumped up here on the desk to curl up and snooze. I swear, its like he knows and is trying very hard to be the sort of cat I used to have. He's so little and he tries so hard it seems. He does like Jake's litter box....deeper, more room to turn around and it has a cover. He's been playing in it. It means I can finally get all the litter he threw on the floor with the old box, cleaned up.

Oh, the creepy part.... When I turn out the light to go to bed. Just before I nod off, I feel something jump on the bed. It "feels" like when Jake used to jump up. I call his name...and I'll hear a purr....and my heart is content because Jake is on guard.

ya....God answers prayers in a sometimes seriously fucked up twisted and sadistic way.

But death isn't always the answer....yanno?

Friday, July 07, 2006

My daily drive....

I enjoy my drive to work.

I live in Kokomo. I drive to Fishers, Indiana every day. I have to be there at 6am. I get off work at noon.

I love the smells....well all except that pig farm somewhere on 213. In the mornings, its cool out. There is no one around except me and who ever else uses that road to go from one place to another. Usually, I don't see anyone for miles and miles. Its just me, my thoughts and the creatures of the night.

And corn....lots and lots of corn. At nights its creepy sorta. It just sort of is there. I keep thinking of stuff like 'Children of the Corn' and 'Signs' and other things that had critters in the cornfield that wanted to eat you or give you an anal probe or summat...

Still, in the morning, creepiness aside, its a good drive. Usually people don't get right on your ass with their bright lights. I had someone do that recently....all up in my back seat and then this DEER just ran out in front of me....

Nearly peed my pants.

That yahoo on my ass though....he backed off some. I didn't hit the deer, but it was scary there for a moment. I've had a bunch of animals trying to commit suicide by car. I've managed to avoid them.

Stupid deer.

Now, the drive home in the afternoon is just great too. There is a bit more traffic but not usually, there are a lot more places open to go to. I do recommend that you have gas.....cause there is one station between the beginning of 213 and where I turn onto 26. Its in a little place called Windfall. Sometimes you can turn and go to Tipton for save about a mile. I had to go there today because I was running on fumes.

The drive home smells better than the drive in the morning. In the afternoon, there is the smell of sweetgrass everywhere. I just want to find a big ole patch of sweet grass and roll around in it. I love the smell.

It was a peaceful time for me actually. The most peaceful moment I've had since Jake died.
I'll be sorry when the assignment in Fishers ends.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life goes on......

I wrote earlier that Jake is no more.

I didn't mention that there is a new Master in the house.

This is Jack/Jake. I haven't made up my mind yet. He keeps doing things that Jake used to do. It is both a nice familiar feeling...and a little amazing. Today he jumped on the desk and leaned on my chest the way that Jake used to do.....

Naturally, I lost it.

He's up here now, looking up at me wide eyed and full of trust. He's a sleepy baby. He'd been running wide open around the house....playing hard, jumping here and there. I am just so amazed by him.

We have spent most of Saturday snoozing. Me, snoozing because I'm just worn out from the emotions. All of that, no sleep........I was just TIRED, depressed, exhausted. I dunno why he was snoozing....except that he puts out a lot of energy when he's going full blast.

He's such a little man.....ruler of his world. I am so blessed to have him here. Please, don't let me fail him.

He's got a bit of a sniffle that bothers me. I read that kittens can get colds. Then I read about the dangers also present that look like colds. Its amazing they survive at all from what I've read.

Jake/Jack is a shelter kitten. As I understand it, they can pick up all sorts of interesting ailments from the shelter as well. I will have him checked out as soon as possible.

Some of you might think that with Jake barely cold in the grave, that I replaced him too soon. I didn't replace Jake. There is no replacing Jake. Jack/Jake will never be the cat my Jake was. He'll be his own cat with his own uniqueness. He's my little man.

'nuff said.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Jake: ? to June 27, 2006

Jake is dead.

My beautiful lop-eared, big-headed alley cat died Tues. afternoon from feline leukemia.
It's a nasty disease. There is no cure. There is a vaccination for prevention but I didn't think about it at the time when he got his shots the first time.

I keep seeing Jake out of the corner of my eyes. When I type, he's usually up here with his head on my hand/arm making it difficult to type. This time of morning, he'd be sitting at the window eyeballing the birds. When I get up, he'd shoot off the desktop and race me to the kitchen thinking I am about to feed him. Or if he wasn't on the desk, he's be on the couch all stretched out.

I keep seeing him out of the corner of my eyes.

I felt him jump up on the bed it seemed, but when I reached out, I found only air. I keep thinking he's going to walk in from where he's been napping to go lie down on the dog bed or jump up on the chair he's so fond of getting fur on. I don't hear him trying to sharpen his claws on the furniture. I don't have to yell at him to stop it. I don't have to try and stop him from trying to get out the open door. I wish I did. I wish he was here ignoring me, using me only to feed him, scratch his ears, chin..etc. I wish he was curled up next to me on my pillow waiting for me to fall asleep so that he could go off and do cat things. I wish a lot of things.

He died on Tues.

There was noone to wake me up on Wed afternoon while napping from walking on my tummy. There was no one curled up on my pillow, there no fighting for a certain spot on the bed, there was no warm furry body to reach out and touch when I woke up.

If there is a heaven, I know he's there. If there is any where that good cats go when they run out of lives, I know he's there; ear fixed and not sick.

...but I keep seeing him out of the corner of my eyes.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


I did a bit of investigatin' on the web about sub protocols.
What I saw had me in whoops. Most of it was about as pretentious as all git out. Some of it was so low key and smooth, that you would never notice it. Which is, as it should be. All this kissin' of glasses/cups, etc is hooey.

You heard me, HOO-EY.

Ya, it looks showy has to make the Dom's all puff out their chests and stuff with their 'power', etc.

My druthers are simple. If I wanted first class service....I'd have them work in a 5 star hotel, work at a 5 star restaurant. Send them off to the UK to get a job at Windsor Castle. If any of you got a look at this little film from PBS, its called Windsor Castle, a Royal Year. What it does is sort of track how the castle is run day to day. You should see them put on a state dinner. They MEASURE from setting to setting, chair to table, glass to plate, etc.... Ya, if I wanted someone trained to serve me......that's what I'd do. None of this silly ass kneeling and kissing crap.

I think that is sort of why I am becoming so....dismissive of what I am seeing lately. Everyone just wants to beat on someone and there is so much more. I am fortunate that my friends know better. I'm served quietly, without fanfare, I am generous with my praise, condemntory with my silence.

I suppose I'm just going to fall over in laughter the one day I go somewhere, and I pull out a cigarette and suddenly there is woosh of sound as all these lighters blaze away..... Too funny. Do you think it would be like a concert where they used to pull out their lighters and hold them up???

I have a new thing I like to drink now. I want lemon in my ice water now. For some reason, it makes me feel so much better. For all of you read this and know my drink choices....This one is very very serious. Always keep lemons around for me.

However, I mentioned protocols.

Everyone has something different. It varies from person to person, from sex to sex. What a male would do, a female would not.

None of us can agree on one single standard.

I say it should be like this: Let it be military in structure. That would be almost taking it back to the old guard way....but since there are really none left around, it would be the new guard way.
It would be a variation of attention, rest, following, etc. For this, I'd love to pick the brain of some former officers. Failing that, I'd like to talk to some drill instructors I think.

I have in my possession, an army officer's guide from 1942. It is so un PC....I love it. It tells me very little also on just how somethings are makes passing comments on how to follow, placement, one officer to another, superior or subordinate. I should talk to my neighbour about all this. He's some sort of Army guy. hmmmmmm, if I ask the right questions...who knows, maybe one day you will be able to tell a HM trained subby from the usual run of the mill ones :)
Mine will salute you :) Maybe I could do it the British way where they stomp a lot and shout!

Anyway, that enough musing about nothing. I have something else on my mind.

'nuff said

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not another Bush!!!!! Arghhhhhh

ORLANDO, Fla. - Could there be a third President Bush? The current chief said Wednesday that younger brother Jeb would make a great one, too, and has asked him about making a run. The first President Bush likes the idea as well. Jeb Bush, the Republican governor of Florida, has one asset that his presidential brother doesn't right now � approval from most of his constituents. While George W. Bush's approval ratings are in the low 30s, some 55 percent of Florida voters surveyed last month by Quinnipiac University said Jeb was doing a good job.

GEEZUS PLEEEAASEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not another one!

I read this via yahoo/reuters news and for about 2 minutes my jaw had a workout from where it was hitting the floor and bouncing back up.

I'm flabbergasted, I'm stunned......I'm scared that it might actually happen. Now....Jeb sez he ain't gonna run. No one believes him. I can't say he might be good or not, but....yanno....all the fellow needs is a mullet and he'd be someone's redneck cousin.

No, he does this...and I will hope that the American Indian population begin the task of taking over the country. Invoke our immigration laws....etc.

Geezus.....please, not another Bush.

'nuff please!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A bit more of things, a bit about me

There is so much to write about that I can't say a word about. I will say this; It must be spring because everyone is running around trying to mate with anything with a hole.

Geezus holy cow.... Someone slip some saltpeter into the water supply.

I'm on a number of bdsm egroups related to Indiana. What a happy bunch of people they all are. One of them is just going nuts with some loyalty issues.....they are just about to 'rule' themselves to death. Another one is just too .... tight knit for me. I'm not part of the crowd, nor do I wish to be, but I'm so not interested in being posted to death about their kids, their life, or the zit on their face and to please pray for them. I don't care. Don't tell me about it. I'm not interested in cutesy posts, humourous joke posts, forwards, warning about urban legends, patriotism bs...etc. Sending emails to groups isn't going to help bring the soldiers their lives or anything else. Want them home? Email the president fercrissakes. Email or call your congressman, your governor, someone who CAN make a difference, but for gawdsake, don't email me because I can't do a damned thing.

Oh ya...when they get on these lists and just chit they are talking in a room, why don't they have the common sense to frigging take it offlist so the rest of us don't have to puke while reading it? Usually, I delete it. I use google mail (gmail) for list mail......they let you see just enough of the post that you can make an informed decision to delete the post or not.

ya...I love my gmail. Hits the 'spot'. :)


I thought I might address this as I know some people actually read this pitiful blog now and then.

I do not like to be touched.

Really. As odd as it sounds, I do not like to be hugged or touched anywhere when I don't know the person, where I think none too highly of that person or in a crowded area. Even my 'boys' that I see.....they never touch me unless I first extend a hand or foot..etc. I decide to touch someone: they do not touch me. I don't feel slighted when everyone around me is hugging each other. It makes me happy to see them so comfortable. I don't care that 'well, we just hug everyone around here!" Oh no you don't....get away from me.

You would never believe I was raised Southern would you? Southerns are huggers. They shake your hand and then pull you in for a swift hug. Good gawd but that used to drive me nearly mad. Not so bad if they were in long sleeves or something, but I hate the touch of bare skin on mine.

Now you are wondering how I managed to have sex. Well darlings, that wasn't an issue! And that is ALL you need to know about that! Oh yea..and that it was always only 'nilla men.

Ok, touching. I have touched too many people that made my skin crawl from the impressions I would get off of them. Not that they were bad people.....but something about them would make my skin crawl even before they would extend a hand. Now... when I shake hands, I've mentally prepared beforehand. Not that I know a lot of people that are creepy crawly. I know one like that...and I avoid him as best I can. Now, I just smile and nod in greeting. It's still good manners. Look at the Japanese!

Yeah, I know....I sound whacked in the head.


Now you know why sometimes, I won't voluntarily touch someone. Its not them, its my mindset.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A bit of Buddha's wisdom

Ajita asked: "What is it that smothers the world and makes it so hard to see? What is it that pollutes the world and seems to threaten it?"

The Buddha answered: "It is ignorance that smothers, and it is carelessness and greed that make it invisible. The hunger of craving pollutes the world, and the pain of suffering causes the greatest fear."

-Sutta Nipata

Monday, April 24, 2006

On being adult....

Someone once told me that my little home play parties were considered very extreme.

wha, wha, wha!?!

I was flabbergasted by the idea that someone would consider my little soirees 'extreme'. It is seldom that I play. The others play and I never see anything that I would consider outside of too much and that couldn't be done in a more public arena.

Ok, aside from the sometimes total nudity of some players. Fortunately, the people who come here don't ogle naked subbies like they have never seen a body before. I would be mortified if I had a guest make a big deal out of someone's nudity.

A friend of mine told me about an incident (one of many) that happened at a play party in the a city in the northeast corner of Indiana. She was all comfy, the dominant she was in a scene with was doing knife play. He's very focused on what he's doing so that he doesn't nick her. She's just enjoying things. Well, the area is open for other to watch when some loud mouth jackass watching says, "Oh how disgusting!" That totally ruined things for the sub who was made to feel ugly.

I want to know who that moron was so bad I can barely stand it. I'm not into scat, but I want to rip off their head and shit down their is that for disgusting? How's about a little scat for that loud mouth moron?

Nothing was done about that incident. That I know of, that is.

There was another little incident that happened, but that's not my story to tell...though I wish I could. Talk about a loud mouth moron.....but hey, if someone wants to feel all big and important....he certainly found himself a nice little pond to do it in. *snort*

So, yeah, I can count on my guests here to be adult. Bless all yer perverted little hearts.


No one has ever asked me about party rules for play at the house. They are simple enough.

  • 1. Use common sense. Easy enough when yer adult.
  • 2. Don't make assumptions. Makes an ASS out of U and ME. Clever eh?
  • 3. NEVER interrupt a scene. If you think something is unsafe, check with the DM (me)
  • 4. Don't touch anyone, their equipment or belongings without permission. Half the time if you want to use something...someone is already handing you some sort of implement.
  • 5. No cameras or recording devices allow. UNLESS its been discussed beforehand.
  • 6. Be polite to everyone. I know yer mama taught you some sort of manners.
  • 7. Play sober OR I will ask you to leave.
  • 8. Smoking areas will be designated. Two rooms are not to be smoked know which ones they are.
  • 9. We are in a residential area so have some sort of covering should you have to go outside. Can't scare the 'nillas, yanno.
  • 10. No penetration. Unless you don't mind us all watching...and we will watch. Gods, we are such pervs....
  • 11. RED will be the "default" safe word unless you have discussed it with the one you are scening with. Some people like to use something specific.
  • 12. Respect scene area. It's small, or one area please limit screaming. Use your inside screaming voice. Please remember to spray the area with disinfectant when you are finished with the scene area.
  • 13. If there is a messy scene, use a drop cloth. No scat or water sports. We have a bathroom for that stuff.
  • 14. DM (who will be me and one other person) will have final word on everything, including the right to stop an unsafe scene. Heavy play is permitted provided the DMs is notified.

You don't want to scare the DMs into having a tizzy now do ya?

Simple enuff, yes? Good.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The fear of god......

Radical christians are scary.

No, they are terrifying.

Now, before you get the pitchforks and torchs...let me say that I like god. I think a lot of god and his works and believe it or not...we sometimes have lengthy talks.

Ok, I talk, god listens. Which sort of shakes my image of god as male figure because what man ever really listens to a woman? hmmmm?

I've been reading things on the the church in kansas that sends its people out to protect at soldier funerals that god hates us for this and that. Or there is the catholics taking on South Park because they said something about Jesus's mama.

You got religion as lobbyists now...slowly but surely removing things that the forefathers....uncannily smart men, put in there to INSURE separation of church and state.

Separation of CHURCH and STATE. That means, religion should NOT be a part of the running of this country. This is enough to make me want to run for office. But, it could be like that owner of strip bars who wants to run for either city council or school board.....his neighbours are having kittens. But the guy is a family man.....who cares for his community. So he's not a lily white moralist. Who is anymore? I bet some of those fine people railing about him get blow jobs and have had sex anally. They better stay away from Indiana.

I want the church out of my house, out of my personal business and for damn sure, I want them OUT of my womb. Unless he's a GYN, there is not a damn thing the pope or the preacher down the street knows about my body. So out...out out out!

They are as invasive as the government!

The government....are as scary as the radical christians. Actually, they are interchangable.

You have people with little law background making up laws that will get them reelected by church people.

I live in Indiana. Indiana law: " IC 35-41-1-9 “Deviate sexual conduct means an act involving 1) a sex organ of one person and the mouth or anus of another person; or 2) the penetration of the sex organ or anus of a person by an object.”

In other words, if it involves blow jobs, butts or batteries, it’s “deviate” sexual conduct here in Indiana." It doesn't matter if this is behind closed doors or not.

So, where are they going to put all those law makers, kids, moms, dads.......shit...practically everyone in the state? We will have the worse overcrowding of jails in the US....not to mention...who will be left to lock everyone up?

I know Bill Clinton better not drop by this state.

Please check out this link, because, I ain't making this stuff up.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Now a word from the Immortal Bard

That god forbid that made me first your slave,
I should in thought control your times of pleasure,
Or at your hand the account of hours to crave,
Being your vassal, bound to stay your leisure!
O, let me suffer, being at your beck,
The imprison'd absence of your liberty;
And patience, tame to sufferance, bide each cheque,
Without accusing you of injury.
Be where you list, your charter is so strong
That you yourself may privilege your time
To what you will; to you it doth belong
Yourself to pardon of self-doing crime.
I am to wait, though waiting so be hell;
Not blame your pleasure, be it ill or well

Friday, January 27, 2006

What the H E L L??????

Geezus people....

First, we got all this bs over video games and their contents. We have the religious right and left letting us know that they find certain segments of society objectionable and so they can not let us be.....and we got the government saying they need to big brother us so that they can protect us from terrorist.

Right now, I'm more afraid of the people in my country than I am of some towel wearing terrorist. At least the towelheads are honest about it.

Video games.....they are made by big kids for other big kids. You don't like what it has in it...then damnit, don't buy for your fricking brat. Don't let him or her rent it, don't allow his or her friends to bring it in your home and if s/he plays at their friends house, well, talk to that parent or don't allow your kid to go over anymore. HOW hard is that? Don't penalize the game makers for what they do, control your kid, control your house! Who is running it? You or the kid?
Its like anything else out there, you don't want your kid to see it....then keep an eye on yer kid. S/He does something wrong, its not the fault of anyone else but them.....and you. When they are 18, then, they can do as they please as long as they aren't in your home. That's the way I see it.

I don't like religion telling me what I can or can't see on tv, read in a book, think about in my head or vote in my country's election. They are forgetting that a growing population isn't even christian. I don't like christian views, morals being applied as a 'matter of fact'. This is not to say that I don't dislike christian morals. They are roughly the same sort of morals that the rest of the world has been using a lot longer than 2 thousand years. But don't assume I'm going to follow along meekly like some sort of lamb. Lambs get eaten. Don't you ever forget that. What we have are a lot of wolves in sheeps clothing leading these little lambs of god.

I don't like old men telling me what I can or can't do with my womb. I don't like christian religion in my womb. WHY doesn't anyone understand that? If there is a man near my womb, he better be making a desposit. Keep the US government out of my vagina! Sheesh

Rant over.

'nuff said

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Feds After Google Data


The Department of Justice on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to comply with a subpoena issued last year for search records stored in its databases. The DOJ argues that the information it has requested, which includes one million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from a one-week period, is essential to its upcoming defense of the constitutionality of the Child Online Protection Act (think of the children!). Google has so far refused to comply with the subpoena, saying the release of such information would violate the privacy of its users. "Google is not a party to this lawsuit, and the demand for the information is overreaching,'' Nicole Wong, an associate general counsel for Google, told The Mercury News. "[We plan to fight the government's effort] "vigorously.''

Here's hoping the company prevails. The release of such records sets a truly unsettling precedent. And if the goverment's claim that other, unspecified search engines have already agreed to release similar information proves true, we have already lost our footing on a very slippery, very dangerous slope. Said privacy advocate Lauren Weinstein, "It's interesting and disappointing that other search engines would provide this material. It's what we've been worried about all along. The fact that Google is refusing the initial reaction is three cheers for Google. But there is a sidebar to this. Part of the reason these problems come up is because this data is being retained in the first place.''

Scary stuff people. With George W trying to listen in on everything we are slowly but surely losing personal freedoms left and right. We can fight it...but eventually I think this is one we are going to lose.

'nuff said

Thursday, January 19, 2006

when a hug means so much........

I was a bad daughter.

I didn't intend to be. We won't discuss my teen years...that is just too painful to remember.
It is just that after we survived that.....and her menopause, things never seemed to get too much better.

I do remember being broke a lot...this was after the divorce and the family had all drifted away. Parents actually sort of went to pieces. Nothing ever seemed to go right. I did like the guys she dated though...I just adored one named 'Dave'. I wish that had worked out. Things might be so different. There was this other one too that was ok....he would have been good for her.

Better than one rotten selfish child.

I could have done so much more for her. I should have done more. If nothing else I could have been nicer. I remember one time she gave me some earrings. They were dangly, the type I liked. I can't remember if I liked those or not....though I think I did. She handed them to me and her whole attitude said...'apologetic', like they weren't good enough to give me. I could have hugged her...I could have made her happy by just giving her a gawddamn hug in appreciation.

I said they were great or something lame like that.

I lived then, in the south. Southerners are big on hugging. I can't bear to touch people. I will not give a hug though it takes something out of me to accept them. Sometimes, I can prepare for them and that works out ok.

I don't know why I'm like that. It is only with people that I have touched first that I will sometimes allow a spontantous gesture like a touch to not freak me out.

I was thinking about my mother tonight. I was looking at some earrings online and some I saw were in the style that my mother would sometimes give me. I turned onion eyed and well...I thought about it....and what I could have done to have made her life, if not easier....a little more happy...knowing that I loved her.
Which I did...and she knew I did...but there was just this thing about hugging.

God I miss my mother. I wish I could just hug her one more time. Please.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Political ethics........(ain't that an oxymoron....)

Ok, normally I don't post political bs.....ok, maybe once.

But unfrigginbelievable.....

I ain't stopped laughing since.....,1,5173996.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


As I sit here, I'm trying to type with my cat draped across both arms. His big fat tomcat head is resting on my left arm and his tail is actually draped across the right arm. He's snoring. I can only hope that I am not disturbing him.

I'm not sure why he does this. He'll stay like this for a while, then jump up and run off. Then he'll come back again....lie down on the mouse, throw his tail in my face and then lie down between my arms again. Someone know anything about cat behaviour?


I live in Kokomo, Indiana. There was recently here, an article in the 2 community newspapers about a zoning issue. A local couple in the lifestyle are about to open a dungeon. They have this big wonderful building that I am certain the local zoning commission is going to be trying to make sure is never open. Already there are people screaming about children, and family values, prostitutions.....welp, you know the drill. Everyone who thinks that the world should go back to the values of the 50's is speaking out on this.

What's a little perversion amongst friends? Its not a swingers club. No one is serving booze, no one with drugs will be allowed in....and it's a damn sight healthier then what goes on at bars and strip clubs. You'll mostly have middle aged people with a bit of flesh on them, spanking, paddling.....flogging each other. For some, it's a fantasy. For others its just a different part of their lifestyle.

I'd say more on this, but what we all do is what WE think of it....doesn't matter if its just a fantasy or a way of life. Its not wrong.

'nuff said

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ahhh yes, the stories, they keep on coming...

Little tales are coming out of the woodwork from various parts of the state....mostly the cental and north eastern sections.

Is someone trying to stir the shit pot? Is someone whispering in the ears of people here and there, little tidbits designed to cause harsh feelings? Rumours can not stand the light of truth. If you lot want to stop the willing to name names.

I hear my name is being bandied about again. If that person reads my blog....know this. I will find out who you are, you stupid twat and will deal with you as you deserve, you pathetic cunt.

This is an OLD story I heard of a Domina who damaged a sub belonging to a particular group in Indy. Seems there was some kidney damage from what she did. I wonder if she slunk away never to come out again. I wonder if the damage was temporary. I wonder if any of the participants learned anything?

GeezusHCrist....are you people clueless?

This makes me so angry I can't even think. I wish you all has one ass so I could beat it.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Cat bathing as a martial art.....

One of the things they teach you in martial arts is not to take your eyes off your opponent.

If your cat is your opponent...never take your eyes off the cat...and NEVER remove your hand no matter how calm he seems to be.

I didn't know cats could levitate.

Jake can.

I have a few new scars...nothing that won't eventually heal.

But Jake's attitude....after awhile....after he got most of the water off of him. He came up to where I was typing and curled up in his spot. He's been very cuddly since his bath. Its like he's saying he'll be good if I don't try to drown him again.

Poor guy. He's pulling out his fur and I'm not sure if it from fleas...which are now all drown or from something else. He was fine last year. But last year, he still had his 'manhood'. This year, what is different is that he's been neutered. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.

We are both recovering now.....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Submission is a gift, not a right....

If you don't know what I mean by that statement....then you shouldn't be in this lifestyle.

'nuff said.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A new year's resolution....

At the beginning of every new year, some of us make resolutions that we never follow up on or have no intentions of keeping anyway.

I have one that I simply need do one simple thing.

Be polite.

I've noticed that todays children have horrible manners. To be sure, most of them have the basics, but lets say....inner city kids, rich kids, kids raised in barns have the manners of a gnat. Why is this? Where did the basic politeness go to?

Parents. Parents do have the manners. They simply aren't passing many of them on to their spawn. Perhaps they felt that what they were taught was too restrictive in some way and this is their way of rebelling.


Manners enable one to function in everyday life. It enables all of us to treat everyone equally no matter what our station in life is. Is simple yes? There is no need to look at someone who serves you, say like a waiter, gas station attendent or who ever else who works in hospitality as someone lower than you. Be polite. It pays. Sometimes it even gives bonuses. If you are rude, then damnit, you deserve what you are dealt. It costs you nothing to be polite. A thank you, or a please brings instant response where as a command (unless you are in the military) will get you slower service and a surly waiter...or customer service representive.

Polite manners show what type of person you really are.

Are you classy or no count?

'nuff said