Sunday, December 03, 2006

Is there a problem here?


If you are drinking too much, you can improve your life and health by cutting down. How do you know if you drink too much? Read these questions and answer "yes" or "no":

  • Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad?
  • Does your drinking ever make you late for work?
  • Does your drinking worry your family?
  • Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't?
  • Have you ever been arrested for drunk driving?
  • Do you ever forget what you did while you were drinking?
  • Do you get headaches or have a hang-over after you have been drinking?
  • Do you sneak drinks, hide your habit, lie about your consumption of alcohol?

Yes to any of this questions mean you have some issues and need to wake up to the fact that there IS a problem.

I have a friend who imbibes. He's come to the house sometimes and has bragged about his drunken deeds. We laugh, but at the same time it's appalling and time after time we ask if he thinks all this boozing will ever end.

I remember asking him once if he thought he was an alcoholic. I think I made him mad because he didn't come back over for a while. His answer? "hell no!" I asked him if he thought he drank too much. "Darlin', I don't drink enough...I'm still standing."

What ever he is, he is a functional alcoholic. He goes about his everyday life 'soberly' until work time is over and them boom. There he is.....downing at least half a case.

Yer thinking, half a case? That's not that bad. Ya? Every day or near about every day??? I'm suprised he's still got a functioning liver. Dude has a problem everyone sees it but him. He thinks that no one knows, but boy, that's where he's wrong. They do see it....and its like watching a train wreck.

He uses excuses for it......'there's problems at home, I've had a hard day, I've suffered in my life when my fish got flush, etc, etc, etc.' When my friend is home, he uses that as an excuse to come over and down a case. Fortunately my friend doesn't drink or there would be some problems.

There isn't any kind of excuse for drinking to excess, binge drinking, etc. I used to think that only college kids that sort of stupid shit. And yes, drinking like a college student is stupid....there isn't anything cool about puking yer guts out after a night drinking. I've woke up places and not known how I got there. I've puked in places I have thankfully forgotten....sort of.

I stopped drinking because I hated the way I feel the next day. I hated puking. I hated headaches. I hated the way I smelled.

This guy though, he thinks that no one knows he has a problem. His wife mentions that he has bottles hidden. He's taken to using those little breath strips to cover the smell....chewing gum, anything he can find that will mask the odor of booze.

Got news for you. It doesn't work....any cop can tell you that.

This guy better wise up soon. His wife is ready to take the kids and leave because she's tired of the lies. I'd hate for that to happen. They are nice people. When he's sober, he's the coolest guy around.

It makes me worry though...someday, he's going to lose what's good in his life because he can't control himself.

Be a shame wouldn't it?

'nuf said