Saturday, February 28, 2009

Smoking rant

I am a smoker. I like to smoke. I enjoy smoking with friends. I like taking the first drag off a cigarette. I also hate the taste. I dislike smoke in my eyes. I don't like the smell on my clothes. But, I smoke anyway because I can.

You non-smoking Nazis can just kiss my ass.

I'm tired of the lawsuits from people who have been smoking for centuries who once they find out they have lung cancer or emphysema decide they want the rest of us who smoke to pay for their damn addiction.

No one held a cigarette to your head and made you light up. No one told you to inhale. No one forced you to buy pack after pack, carton after carton week after week. No one made you do squat. You were warned. They put warnings everywhere. You were warned and you chose to ignore it.

I'm sorry you have whatever illness you have from it, but I'm not going to pay for your addiction. Accept that you are ill with grace and deal. Accept YOUR responsibility for smoking in spite of being told again and again that it was bad for you...deadly even. Don't make the rest of us pay for it.

It ain't right.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

morning after...

It is now the morning after a fetish party.

Man, am I drained. I woke up and felt hung over. That is usually the sign of a good party. I'm glad I didn't have to drive home. The masters had plenty of food left and I got to actually sleep late because they were not running up and down my body waking me up at 7am. If they had done that today, there may have well been 2 furry splats on the wall. No sleep and a cat using me as rugby field would not have been pretty.

I get home, I know they are not happy. I let them outside, and they eventually come back looking a little happier but me being gone overnight is punishable and punish me they will.

Rotten felines.

So the party was fun. Different venue.

I'm it was all good.

I did notice that I didn't know half the people there.....hell, I'd say I didn't know at least 80 percent of the people there. I'm rather insular I know and I do know the scene changes all the time. But still, where did all those people come from?

Some people I knew and didn't speak with, spoke with me. I found that interesting after a year or so they deemed it was time to talk. Naturally, I wonder about motives but this once, it doesn't matter. They talked, I listened and maybe, just maybe I'll let it go at that. Its like a sore, you know, if you keep picking at it, it doesn't get better and it can leave a scar if you are not careful.
I did get to see some of my favourite people and some people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. But, I'm human enough to pity them for some of their troubles....and so I do.

oooh, I also met a delightful person....and no you rabid mob, I'm not going to tell you anything about him.

Cause I don't know anything except the important stuff. Well, important to me. Some of you I told you about this person...the rest of you....will just have to envy them for knowing.


'nuff said

Monday, February 09, 2009

A comfortable pose

I screwed up my courage to sit in front of a camera and let a friend take pictures of my face with different things on. This is one of the results and I got to say..."Damn, I look amazing!"

You tell me what you think.