Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bizarre day wasn't it?

So far I guess its 3 fer 3. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcette and now Michael Jackson.

I must be a cold hearted bitch because I do not feel a thing. Nuthin' nada. I should feel sorry for the family they left behind, but I don't. All of these people were simply people I used to see on TV once in a while or would read about for some of the silly shit they did.

Ed was this old knew that was coming. Farrah, bless her, had cancer. You knew she was going too. Michael was a bit you suppose it was something from all that surgery he had done? I admit, I'm going to be very interested in what his autopsy is going to reveil. Hell, I want to know if he was white all over or just on the exposed parts? Oh yes, how much of his face was wittled away for all that surgery.

Wonder how much his family is going to cover up? Oh and think of all the cancelled concert dates and the money that was put up for that. Wooboy, you know there is no cheer in Mudville tonight.

But, they all had good runs in this life and now they have shuffled off this mortal coil.

Gov. Sanford has to be grateful that some of the limelight is now off of him!