Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rudeness and how to avoid it.

Did your mother teach you manners?

Mine did. When I was older, she gave me a book. Emily Post's Book of Etiquette. It was about 2 in. thick. I have since lost it in moving around the country....but thankfully, there is a copy of it online.

There is this local Dom who told a friend of mine...also a Dom, that one had to be an asshole sometimes with submissives.

I went, "WTF"?
"Yup.", she said.

This is where I guess that when one is not secure in their role as a Dominant they must grasp what they can in order to bolster their own ego. Amongst vanillas, it is called 'tearing one down in order to build oneself on up'. No, no, no....that's just wrong.

There is no excuse for rudeness. Whether it is to a submissive or to a vanilla. It doesn't even matter if they are rude to you. You do not counter their rudeness with your own. Kill them with kindness if you must do something. It cost you nothing and really places the rude person on the spot, which, you will have to admit, is rather sadistic. It is so...subtle yet so thorough to turn their rudeness against them.

Now if you are in public at a restaurant or somewhere and the staff messes don't have to be loud and obnoxious about things, it makes you look bad and embarasses everyone else. The best thing I've ever found for faulty service or incorrect orders is to simply be firm, smile and let them fall all over themselves to correct the mistake. Speak quietly to the wait staff if they are being surly. Could be they do not realize they are being testy. I assure you, if you ask them quietly if they are ok and remark on their attitude...they will change it in a heart beat. Money talks and for most servers, they are there for the money.

You are a Dominant, it is your place to correct gently but firmly. I do it. Your mom or dad did it. It does work on staff in public places. Just be quiet about what you are doing. Do it right and no one will even notice you are chastising anyone publically. Its sort of evil and I love it.

So, if yer a Dominant and you think its ok to be rude to the wait staff or to anyone else that might piss you off..... "Bad Dom, no beating."

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