Sunday, August 28, 2005

Worth repeating....

I don't know how many times I have heard people use the terms... "my Sir" "my Ma'am".

Its irritating. Stop it. If there is a Biblical reason behind it.....well, look here and see what it's actually about:

The word is not a name or a noun and around me at least, it will not be used as if it were. It is a title, a display of respect and should only replace a name in direct conversation with the respected party meaning....the Dominant you are submissive to.

Most people now use it now because they are ignorant. Granted the word has a bit of a charge to it...but don't mistake the charge for substance. "Call me 'sir/ma'am'," results in subbies speaking of "my Sir/Ma'am" and doing things because "Sir/Ma'am said to." It's bad English and a poor relation to the original use of the word.

Don't do it. If this little rant upsets or annoys you.....tough. Use correct English fer gawd's sake.



Jake update.

Jake was at the vet's for a little nip and tuck. Ya, he was neutered. He was so out of it when he came home. Walked around like a drunken sailor. Pupils were all huge.....he was sort of like a stoner kitty actually.

What's weird is that now he plays with the dog. They chase each other around the house and play together. Before, if the dog got to close to him, Jake would smack the crap out of the dog.
He's much more playful now. Do you supposed he's afraid that if he doesn't act more cat like, that I'm going to have something else cut off?

My poor kitty cat. But, he's doing ok. At least I'm not having his claws amputated. Declawing is NOT an option.

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