Thursday, September 29, 2005
Religion is bad for society,,1-2-1798944-2,00.html
Thursday, September 22, 2005
God was his co-pilot........
"hi. where are you? are you watching about the plane?"
'Oh hell....oh god, oh no... please.....' were my first thoughts. Had terrorist struck again? I asked the messenger for more info: "What plane"
He messaged back to say a plane was having trouble landing and it was all over CNN, MSNBC, Fox...etc and that it was completely fascinating.
Ghouls I thought......the newsies are waiting for it to crash....and we are all going to have to watch these people die.
But no one died.
What I and countless others saw was the finest flying I had ever seen in my entire life. God must have been his co-pilot because the landing was perfect.....just perfect! Rubber burning, tire parts burning away, then sparks flying all just had to wonder.
I sat there on the edge of the seat and prayed every bit of the way down for all those people...when it came to a stop.....I laughed, I clapped....I shouted 'YEA, THAT'S the way to do it!' and I gave a prayer of thanks to all responsible. If I did that from sitting here safe in my living did the people on board there feel!?!
It was incredible and I was just emotionally exhausted. That pilot, that crew.....I'd fly with them any day and sleep knowing I didn't have to keep the plane up with my shere will power. They deserve a great deal of thanks from their boss.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Indy Munch and the new rule....
Not too long ago, they switched hostesses. She's got this new rule and apparently, she's the only one who knows about it because when she mentioned it in a post and the penalty for breaking it........goodness, what a mess. A number of people have stated they have no intentions of ever going back, coming to, or having anything more to do with the munch. And rightly so. I was offended to.
Its taken a number of days but I finally wrote the new hostess and asked "WTF"? Well, not in those letters but in spirit.
This is what I wrote:
This is the progression of what was said......with some minor edits.
Date: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:08 am
Now a note on number three... At the IndianapolisMunch, you
will be kicked out and not allowed back forthe entire time I am hostess if you are caught talking to anyone outside of the munch (with the exception of restaurant staff, and you should really only be talking vanilla stuff or placing an order with them). There will be no warning, you will just be benned.
That certainly put some ruffled some feathers. Was certainly a rule I hadn't seen posted or anything. Its not even in the files on the munch egroup. If you hadn't mentioned this new rule how could we be expected to follow it even it was worded politely. Notice also that there is no mention of coming to ASK about speaking to vanillas.
Next post!
Date: Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:01 pm
Well, you see... We've had a problem in the past with members of the munch (and slosh) talking about BDSM to restaraunt patrons outside of the munch.
If you see a friend, I would suggest you come up to me and let me know that you're going to drop by their table to havea little chat. Because, if I see an attendee of the munch talking to someone outside of the munch (without warning), they will be banned as long as I am hostess... No questions asked.
Now as we see, we have to notify you before we talk to a friend. Now, considering the way JJ's set up, how are we going to know they are there unless we have already walked out? I suppose we are to turn around and come back in and wait to be noticed before we notify her that we see our friend sitting out in the main part of the restaurant....right.
Date: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:04 am
Hello all!
First, let me apologize. I freely admit that my communication via text sucks (I usually convey emotion/meaning through gesticulation, voice and facial expressions)! ;p That being said, feel free to engage me on the following topics in person:
When a patron asks what we are doing, please feel free to send them my way. While it might ruffle some feathers, I must ask that if you see someone you know (or care to compliment, in a non-sexual/sensual/inappropriate way, a patron ;p) that you come up to me beforehand, or afterwards and let me know. There is the possibility that if you don't let me know (either before or after) I will assume that you were engaging in inappropriate conversation and you will be banned.
So..... Do not engage patrons (outside of the munch) in BDSM related discussion.
And I'm not sure of any other way to put this so..... If you *do* engage patrons, outside of the munch, in BDSM/kink/fetish/inappropriate discourse you will be banned for as long as I am the hostess. I am doing this to protect the majority of munch attendees (you know, the ones with the common sense! :D) from losing another munch venue. I am also doing this to protect the part of society that is offended by us (they have to right to peacefully co-exist through blissful ignorance...).
I hope this clears some things up.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to drop me a line (via the list and/or my private e-mail box) and I will get back with you as soon as is possible.I look forward to meeting many of you tomorrow... See you at 6!
ok....point one. if a patron/nilla asks what we are doing.....we send him or her back to the area where the munch is? Does anyone besides me see the logic in that....especially if there could be some that are a little bit worried about being 'outed' at all? Where is the respect for the munch patron's privacy?Also, I have yet to see a host/ess actually circulate amongst the guests at the munch. This is anywhere...not just Indy, but NIK, Kokomo, Anderson...and a some from way out of state.
Again, you state that you will assume one is up to no good. You all know what they say about assuming anything, yes?
The over all tone of this little missive is....almost, insulting. I frankly find it sarcastic and offensive...even though the beginning of it was humourous and promising.
Now, after all this time, I've pretty much made up my mind on the munch and the hostess, but the over all responses are entirely too interesting to just leave.
Now to the last response so far....
Date: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:56 pm
Okelie dokelie....Well, hmmmmm.....It seems some folks are still confused, just a little, over some of the finer points of the new Indianapolis munch rule. So, without further ado I will make my points easy to read for those of you who like to skim... ;)1) I was asked to be the hostess of the Indianapolis munch becauseI'm not afraid to do new things (I am one of the creators, founding members, and organizer for House of T***). This rule is one ofthose new things, and while it may create a lot of flak (please seenumber two)....2) I am instilling this rule because I want the munch to be around for the new folks (young and old alike). My goal, while hostess, is to create a safe environment for *new* folks to show up and meetothers who may share similar interests. Getting complaints from avenue about inappropriate behavior from munch attendees and/or getting kicked out of a location (which has happened to the Indianapolis munch before) does not equal a safe environment.3) I am not asking anyone to ask me for permission to speak.
I am asking for folks to give me a heads up when they are going to be/have been talking with patrons outside of the munch so that I know nothing inappropriate
is/was talked about. I assume that if you're comfortable enough to come up to me and let me know you were chatting, that nothing inappropriate was discussed. In short, this rule is intended to keep inappropriate people from acting inappropriately. If someone compliments you about something and you say "Thank you," that would be an example of polite behavior - and clearly not inappropriate.4) For those of you who are sticklers for protocol (which describes me from time to time! ;p), I am not a submissive. I will even have my pet with me at this gathering...5) The new rule never stated that a ban will be permanent. A ban, if any, will be upheld only for as long I am the hostess of the munch (unless the incoming host/ess decides to uphold a ban).-Isabella
I want to know when this rule was mentioned to the munch group? Do we just absorb it via aura? How? Where and when did I miss this rule going into effect?
Somewhere back in all the posts, it was mentioned that some Dom and his buddies took it on themselves to try and recruit a tender young virgin. It was mentioned that this Dom still doesn't see what he did that was so wrong. GET rid of him if you want to nip it in the bud!
Why oh why, didn't someone hit him in the head with a 2x4? That is how you get the attention of a mule. Besides, if he's that damn stupid, you shouldn't want him in the group anyway and he should be BARRED from every coming to another one. No, he messed up and now those of us that like coming to the munch are bearing the brunt of it.
NIK or ALM had an issue with a dom that was inappropriately touching the wait staff. I would have bounced him out on his ass in a heartbeat. As I have heard, he's still allowed to attend area munches. No one wants to offend anyone so they do nothing.
I actually applaud the action of removing an offending person if they commit a trangression. ASSUMING they have committed a transgression without knowing anything, opens the way for abuse of this policy. What if someone comes up to you and says, "I saw so and so talking to some nilla out in the main dining room."
The rule is for inappropriate people you said. Yet we have to come up to you and let you know we'll be speaking to people out in the main area.
This is an assinine rule. Technically, I have no problem with it, since I don't really know anyone in Indy anyway so have no fears on that point. BUT, I'm known for just striking up conversations with people standing in grocery lines, bathroom lines...etc just to past the time.
I urge you to reconsider this rule. Make it a suggestion, word it differently, allow for friendliness. You have just changed the tone of the munch from friendly, to one of apprehension.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
My housemate and I had friends from the lifestyle over this weekend for food and play.
It....well, to describe was like having family over to hang out, watch tv, gossip, compare, exchange ideas.....
It was a blast. keeps getting better!
Now, usually, I like to bring in one new person each time. A sort of gentle introduction to the lifestyle that is very no pressure: everyone there is more than happy to lend a helping hand or 2. Everyone WANTS to learn something new or pass on what they have learned by offering a gentle suggestion or 2.
I'm always floored by just how relaxed everyone is.
Consider......... some are scening, some are chatting in another room, some are watching the cartoon channel.
Is this family or what?
Is this fun or what?
The rest of you, have no idea what yer missing....
Monday, September 05, 2005
What's in a word?
C'mere so I can smack da chit out of you.
Its not even a real word. It doesn't exist in the French where I'm sure they were trying to make 'domme' like the ACTUAL word 'femme'.... The notion that just as you pronounce Femme as Fem, not Femmay, you pronounce Domme as Dom, is totally missed by many who end up shouting that they are a 'Dom may' or as I think it..."Dummay"
It cracks me up.
Not only is it a fake word, they can't even pronounce it as it should be...based on the word they are taking it from.
I am not a "Domme". I am a Dominant and quite happily so. Just call me Ma'am. It's good enough for the Queen, it's good enough for me.
'nuff said.