Thursday, September 22, 2005

God was his co-pilot........

I walked into the house on Wed. evening to find a yahoo message blinking at me....

"hi. where are you? are you watching about the plane?"

'Oh hell....oh god, oh no... please.....' were my first thoughts. Had terrorist struck again? I asked the messenger for more info: "What plane"

He messaged back to say a plane was having trouble landing and it was all over CNN, MSNBC, Fox...etc and that it was completely fascinating.

Ghouls I thought......the newsies are waiting for it to crash....and we are all going to have to watch these people die.

But no one died.

What I and countless others saw was the finest flying I had ever seen in my entire life. God must have been his co-pilot because the landing was perfect.....just perfect! Rubber burning, tire parts burning away, then sparks flying all just had to wonder.

I sat there on the edge of the seat and prayed every bit of the way down for all those people...when it came to a stop.....I laughed, I clapped....I shouted 'YEA, THAT'S the way to do it!' and I gave a prayer of thanks to all responsible. If I did that from sitting here safe in my living did the people on board there feel!?!

It was incredible and I was just emotionally exhausted. That pilot, that crew.....I'd fly with them any day and sleep knowing I didn't have to keep the plane up with my shere will power. They deserve a great deal of thanks from their boss.


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