This is all well and good. I know these people mean well. They want us to play nice. They want to be all wise, all helpful, look really good in the community and have their ass smelling like gardenias. That is so not going to happen.
I didn't go to kindergarten. I went directly to 1st grade and had to deal with mixing it up on the playground. So, what I learned about life, I learned from 1st grade.
- It's scary when you are on your own. Helps to make friends quick.
- If you are stubborn enough, you may not get spanked. I was bad once (ok....bad several times.) It took two teachers to pull me out of my desk to get a spanking...which I didn't get because they decided to send a note home to my mother. I should have taken the spanking.
- Its not always wise to flout authority. Sometimes, you can get away with it. Sometimes it sends a note home to your mother.
- Share because you want to, not because you are told to. Expect problems from bullies, really whiny people, or sometimes, even an authority figure. Find new playmates or learn to be assertive. Do not run from authority. Do not become a bully.
- Don't use scissors to open a glue bottle. It only complicates things. Pay attention to instructions and you'll come out ok.
- If you make a mess, sometimes it's ok to ask for help in cleaning it up. Ask really, really nice and sometimes they'll clean it for you, but overall, it's better to not make a mess. But if you do make a mess, don't be afraid of it.
- Watch out for bullies. If you look weak or odd, different in anyway, you'll be picked on. You've got to be really clever and talk your way out of a confrontation, fight dirty or yell really loud. Sometimes having friends come in handy, especially if one of them knows how to open a can of whoop ass. Main thing is, is that you will have to deal with bullies.
- You are going to get dirty. How dirty depends entirely on you and who you are playing with. I've seen people who really, really wanted to stay clean, but instead were very good dirt magnets.
- Play nice. See above statement about dirt. You are going to have to play. Everyone plays unless they're special in some way. If you are reading this, then you aren't special.
- Always keep your eyes open. There's always something or someone new on the way. Sometimes it looks like the same things you've already seen, but the combinations are always new. Stay alert. Life gets easier if you know what's coming.
- Cussing doesn't help. At least not out loud. Sometimes it can impress, but the ones it impresses are not the ones you really should be hanging out with. But sometimes you gotta cuss, so keep it to yourself.
- If you slack off with the class work and get behind, it's awfully hard to work your way out of it. Lying about it makes it even worse if you are caught in it. You might not get to have a recess. Or you will have a note sent home to your mother.
- When playing with others, you don't always get what you want, but you have to deal with what ever you get. Every game ends and there is no use in crying about it.
- If you run, you will fall. Sometimes, even if you walk you'll fall down. Sometimes someone might trip you, sometimes you trip over your own shoe laces. Mostly, if you fall down when walking, its because you weren't looking where you were going. Keep your eyes open!
- The playground can be a big scary place. You can swallow your fear and go out and try to enjoy it or you can find a spot somewhere and just watch it go on by, but you'll miss a lot of fun.
'nuff said
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