Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Its that time of year once again....
What the dickens does Santa Claus have to do with the birth of Jesus? When did we go from celebrating a birth of a wise man, to 8 tiny reindeer disturbing yer sleep?
Tell me! It makes no sense.
I don't celebrate this holiday. I acknowledge that perhaps Jesus was really born this month, but I'm more inclined to believe that the Christian church in their zeal to convert pagans, perverted pagan holidays into Christian ones...lets sugar coat that conversion.
Now, its simply a money making deal.
Where is Jesus going though the money changers at the temple when we really need him?
I think He'd be a bit disappointed at what we've done in His name.
Makes me glad I am Buddhist in my outlook.
'nuff said!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
a WTMF moment...
My jaw dropped and I typed, "What???"
He goes, "Yeah".
"Geezus!" I typed
He goes on to say, "I asked her to explain that and she said "Being a dom is a privilege."
Typing that made me feel besmirched. I feel unclean. It makes me want to hang up my straps and take up knitting. I have to go wash my hands now...probably in acid....the dirt goes so deep.
Back now.... But of course it is a privilege to be Dominant. Not every body is cut out to be a dominant person, some can only do it with permission! But I took her meaning to be that of a submissive who isn't. It was so damn disrespectful it made me want to go out and smack some unsuspecting subbie.
Privilege. Bah.
This is the thinking of the current bdsm community. It sucks, it reeks of a reekiness. It is the beginning of the decline of bdsm as it was, as it should be. It is the thinking of those who are all about the safety nazis. It is the thinking of those who can not think for themselves and can only find what they think they are by reading sites dedicated to telling you what you can and can not do as a dominant and how much power you have as a submissive.
As my friend said, he can remember when submission was a NEED not a WANT. Too many people are now getting mixed up in it that should not be allowed out of their little padded cells. They are damaged souls, twisted minds and that does include both the dominants and the subs. This was a magnificent subculture that has now become main stream. And in doing so, it has attracted both the best and the worst of humanity. It is now where the submissives have set themselves up as the final arbitrators of what is allowed to with dominants. The Dominants have now become the toys of the submissives.
Raise yer hand if that sounds so very wrong to you....
NATURALLY, in the SSC and RACK and other capitalized words.....when one takes on a sub, there is that period of negotiation. We all need limits spelt out. But once agreed upon that should be where it ends. If you don't trust him/her, don't be there.
But, that won't work for the little safety nazis....nope, they want more and demand more. In return, they ruin it for everyone.
My boys have it easy. They either trust me or not. They submit or they do not. I make certain promises to them. They accept my terms or not. I'm not here to cater to their little whimpering egos or desire to control what I do. Once they hand off to me, that's it. Their only way to stop what is to befall them is to utter their safe word. A moment to rest, then a question: "are you ready to continue?" Yes or no decides the next moment.
she said "Being a dom is a privilege." No, being a truly submissive submissive is a privilege.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Natural Dominant Male
The best submissives I have discovered and spent time with were found in non-lifestyle settings and were simply behaving like submissives and not claiming to be. It occurs to me that I have brought more submissives into the life than I have found in it. As a man who is consiberably more naturally dominant than conforming lifestyle dominant, I need to remember that my true satisfaction is to be found in expressing my nature as a leader, a teacher, a lover, an elder...and a warrior...in my family, my community, and my business associations. My identity as a testosterone-driven alpha male arises from within, and is not an artificial and external role.
The "social aspect" or "community element" of the lifestyle, the parties, the munches and sloshes, all of that... is for men who need some setting or context in which to "act out" being a dominant male, with willing participants who will cooperate with the act, play the corresponding role, and artificially validate or confirm the man's charade in an organized roleplay or ritualized interaction.
A naturally and genuinely submissive female, with NO knowledge or experience of 'the lifestyle', instinctively recognizes me for what I am. She reacts to the scent of testosterone and pheremones, the control in my voice, the measured body language, the look in my eye. Her perception of me is untainted by the stereotypes or expectations of a dominant male that are imposed by a culture which provides a "norm" or "standard" for such a man to conform to. She is pliant and demure with me by nature, she defers to me because it feels right to do so, and my positive response to it is attention she craves on an instinctive level...genetically. The female wants to mate with the male who will give her the strongest offspring. Natural selection at the sexual level.
I am what the lifestyle gives beta males the context and dynamics to SIMULATE.
I will not engage in any interaction which leads me to be treated identically to those beta males who are trying to pass themselves off as what I am, and I won't be grouped with them or classified as one of them.
If you will read back through this a couple more times and meditate upon it before you form an opinion or respond, I believe you will wholeheartedly appreciate the real meaning of what I am saying.
Having said this, I think you might be one of a handful of people in the lifestyle who can actually understand and appreciate it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Anticipatory service: what to do
Oh, very well...if you insist. But you will need to make up your own mind as to how much you wish to know.
In a nut shell, anticipatory service is knowing what someone wants before they know they want it. British Airways has this down to a science but then, the British know the value of good service. After all, they have more or less perfected it. The Chinese and the Japanese also have excellent backgrounds in the use of such service....the Chinese especially...but it is the British to whom we look to for the main example.
There is much discussion between the merits of Anticipatory and Reactive service. Reactive service is one where a wish is made and the wish is granted. Much like going to a restaurant. Both styles have their merits and to exclude one type of service for another one is just silly. Life isn't that cut and dried.
To learn anticipatory service is to practice patience. Once you do that, most everything else will fall in place. To prepare, I suggest you study body language. Yup. The body will tell you most everything you want to know. Know what a 'tell' is? If you play poker, you may already know what it is. A 'tell' is a reaction on the part of the body due to some sort of stimulus. Lets use a common example. Eyes are said to be the window of the soul. Maybe, but they can tell us quite a bit about some one. Lets use the poker player as an example again yes? If he's not wearing shades, then, lets assume he's just been given the best hand he's ever had. The muscles in his face do not move.....after all, he's been playing a long time. There's not a twitch anywhere. But his eyes.....ah, his eyes. The pupil dialates. It is a pleasure reaction and if you were looking at him, you would notice....unless he's browned eyed. That's a tell. Others are facial movements, like a sort of twitch of a mucle near the mouth, the pursing of the mouth...even in how one exhales. You need to learn how to interpet what those mean which is why you need to study body language.
As an aside here...some of you will be able to apply this knowledge in your every day life to your benefit.
So, go to google and search for books on body language. It will be of great help. Depending on your dominant, you may wish to pick up books on table service, lay out and such. Pick up books on protocol. A book of etiquette is a given book to have in your personal library. Study these, they may help you to save your dominant from some faux pas. If any of you are former military, then a great deal of this will be old hat to you and of extreme usefulness. Apply this to your dominant. Observe them. If they smoke...learn to know when they will be about to light up and have your lighter ready. Know when they would like to have something to drink. Know when they are thinking of having a snack and have the snack ready before they even ask. You have to think ahead....plan. Know. We really are creatures of habit. It should be fairly easy.
Sometimes we will fool you. But don't let it throw you. Be as the reed, bend as the wind blows. If you have applied your studies, you will have forseen this event and will be able to put plan b into action.
But your service is not all anticipatory. It is reactionary as well. It is a mix of the two. It is for you to make it as seamless as possible. It will be a never ending learning process. I suggest also keeping a note pad in your pocket. There will be guests....and fine service is also anticipating their needs as well. You are a reflection of your Dominant you know.
I know this sounds like an awful lot to learn. At first, it is. You have to absorb what the books are telling you, then putting it in to practice. It is a never ending lesson. You should never become compliant. Life will test you. Your Dominant will test you. It is up to you how you answer.
All you have to do is observe and wait. The answer is there.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bizarre day wasn't it?
I must be a cold hearted bitch because I do not feel a thing. Nuthin' nada. I should feel sorry for the family they left behind, but I don't. All of these people were simply people I used to see on TV once in a while or would read about for some of the silly shit they did.
Ed was this old guy....you knew that was coming. Farrah, bless her, had cancer. You knew she was going too. Michael was a bit unusual....do you suppose it was something from all that surgery he had done? I admit, I'm going to be very interested in what his autopsy is going to reveil. Hell, I want to know if he was white all over or just on the exposed parts? Oh yes, how much of his face was wittled away for all that surgery.
Wonder how much his family is going to cover up? Oh and think of all the cancelled concert dates and the money that was put up for that. Wooboy, you know there is no cheer in Mudville tonight.
But, they all had good runs in this life and now they have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Gov. Sanford has to be grateful that some of the limelight is now off of him!
Monday, May 04, 2009
Golly.......gee whiz!
Seriously. I was happy and all, for several hours.
There was no reason for this good mood, I was just in it. It felt very good. Like sex without the mess, a nice juicy steak without the bloat, like strawberries with real whipped cream. It was 'lie down like a cat and just roll around in the sun' good. It was....like being a kid 'without a worry in the world' good.
It was just damn good.
Makes you wish that it could be bottled up and taken once a day. Come to think of it, it did remind me of being....er...smoked, but without the paranoia. Oh yes, those were the days.
I wish that I knew why I was in such a good mood. I'd do whatever it was all over again...and again...and again! I do think part of it was that I got out in the sun, was driving around with the windows down and just enjoying being alive. I was just being a good ole girl....and it helped that traffic wasn't being a pain in the arse.
There is also the fact that I am back in touch with an old buddy of mine...and he was all complimentary towards me. I have to learn to accept compliments, but its damn hard, even if it does take some work. Plus, he's actually, like the one person who actually understands my heart of darkness as he has one as well. I don't have to pretend to be like everyone else with him.
That could be it. I got to relax and just be me, the sick, twisted bitch that I am. Normals should thank goodness that there are laws in this country. Does make me wish there was a job market for what I am though. One should enjoy their work. Does the guy who does the canings in what ever country uses caning as punishment, whistle when he goes in to work? Does he wonder why they pay him for having a good time? I wish I could talk to them...learn, figure out what his mind set is.
Shit, I should be quiet now, darkness is seeping out.....don't want to scare you all.
Not too much anyway.
heh heh....
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A thoughtful Saving Grace
When I first saw it...I didn't think it would last. Here is a cop, a detective actually, small, foul mouthed, having an affair with her married partner. She's Catholic..or well, her brother is a priest. She like to drink. A lot. Then she is stupid enough to drive and drives fast. She hits a man on the side of the road during one of her drunken drives and kills him.
She staggers out of the car over to where the guy is lying on the road...and she prays for help.
She gets it in the form of an angel who is scruffy looking and his name is Earl. Grace has a bit of a hard time understanding all of this because...well...consider: 1. she's got quite a bit of alcohol in her system. 2. God has angels named Earl? C'mon. This is not yer momma's 'Touched by an Angel' that's fersure.
Turns out the guy she ran over and thought she killed is a death row inmate named Leon. She meets him, and turns out they share Earl....he's a sort of 2nd chance angel. We follow part of their story for 2 seasons.
Google Saving Grace for the show's episodes if you want to know what happened, but I can tell you now and this is a spoiler for those of you who care about such things...Leon ends up on the table with needles in the arm.
I have to admit...even I was hoping the Governor would call.
This may make some of you unhappy, but I do believe in the death penalty. But, they have to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I believe people can change too. But, a life for a life is justice. Naturally, there are judgement calls...not everyone deserves to die for killing someone. Some people deserve killing....like child killers/molesters.
Leon, who is a complex sort of character deserved to die. He's caught on camera killing a guard. Maybe there was a reason why he did that...I don't remember if he ever said. Regardless, he did the deed and deserved to die for that. I still wanted him to live though because he had a good heart.
We don't get to know how many of the people on death row ended up there. We don't know their reasons for what they did. We don't know if they are remorseful for their actions....and if we would believe them if they said they were. I know I'd have a hard time believing anything they said because people will say pretty much anything to keep from dying. Its human nature to want to survive even if one is stuck behind bars.
Monday's Saving Grace made me question for a moment, my belief in the death penalty. So many people worked to get the sentence commuted to life imprisonment. I'm not so sure that would be any better than death. People are not meant to be placed in small cells for long periods of time. I suppose for many, death is something to be feared. After all, there might actually be a hell. Still, kill, be killed. The answer to that is not to kill in the first place.
That's the simple answer. Don't kill to begin with. Who knows why people do the crazy ass things they do in situations like that. I don't really believe there is a simple answer. I'll miss Leon, but there is something else coming alone that will be interesting for a while. At least Leon died in grace and that's something good.
'nuff said
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Smoking rant
You non-smoking Nazis can just kiss my ass.
I'm tired of the lawsuits from people who have been smoking for centuries who once they find out they have lung cancer or emphysema decide they want the rest of us who smoke to pay for their damn addiction.
No one held a cigarette to your head and made you light up. No one told you to inhale. No one forced you to buy pack after pack, carton after carton week after week. No one made you do squat. You were warned. They put warnings everywhere. You were warned and you chose to ignore it.
I'm sorry you have whatever illness you have from it, but I'm not going to pay for your addiction. Accept that you are ill with grace and deal. Accept YOUR responsibility for smoking in spite of being told again and again that it was bad for you...deadly even. Don't make the rest of us pay for it.
It ain't right.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
morning after...
Man, am I drained. I woke up and felt hung over. That is usually the sign of a good party. I'm glad I didn't have to drive home. The masters had plenty of food left and I got to actually sleep late because they were not running up and down my body waking me up at 7am. If they had done that today, there may have well been 2 furry splats on the wall. No sleep and a cat using me as rugby field would not have been pretty.
I get home, I know they are not happy. I let them outside, and they eventually come back looking a little happier but me being gone overnight is punishable and punish me they will.
Rotten felines.
So the party was fun. Different venue.
I'm tired....so it was all good.
I did notice that I didn't know half the people there.....hell, I'd say I didn't know at least 80 percent of the people there. I'm rather insular I know and I do know the scene changes all the time. But still, where did all those people come from?
Some people I knew and didn't speak with, spoke with me. I found that interesting after a year or so they deemed it was time to talk. Naturally, I wonder about motives but this once, it doesn't matter. They talked, I listened and maybe, just maybe I'll let it go at that. Its like a sore, you know, if you keep picking at it, it doesn't get better and it can leave a scar if you are not careful.
I did get to see some of my favourite people and some people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. But, I'm human enough to pity them for some of their troubles....and so I do.
oooh, I also met a delightful person....and no you rabid mob, I'm not going to tell you anything about him.
Cause I don't know anything except the important stuff. Well, important to me. Some of you I told you about this person...the rest of you....will just have to envy them for knowing.
'nuff said
Monday, February 09, 2009
A comfortable pose
Friday, January 23, 2009
A little story
She bad mouthed her Dominant to any and all. Because of that, he took a lot of unwarranted abuse from the community.
This is wrong you idiots. If someone is being bad mouthed find out why. Don't just depend on one version of the truth.
There are 3 sides. Always. 3 sides.
Someone else's
and the truth.
It won't be easy figuring out what is what, but dig. Don't just jump in on one side of the other. Unless you are a close friend to one or the other. In that case, you are somewhat prejudiced and no one should listen to you anyway unless you were actually present at what ever broke the camel's back and even then what you say should be taken with a tub of salt.
Investigate. If the law behaved like some of the frelling people in the bdsm community, all our asses would be in jail. All of us...even our pets.
All dominants who are accused are villains. All submissives who say they are abused are telling the truth.
You believe that statement? If you do, you are a bigger fool than I thought I wish you'd just go away in case it rubs off on me or something.
Any of you ever hear of the word 'revenge'? Think about it a moment. Think a little more....yup. You got it. NOT all dominants accused are abusive and not all subs are truthful about the abuse.
Think people, think........use what little brains you have left.
I've defended friends. I know you have to. We all have. Its good to defend your friends, and if they are really your friend, then you already know a bit of what they are really like. Are they capable of what ever might have happened?
Yes? No? No way they could ever do something like that?
Here's a little truth to you. People who live next door to paedophiles, serial killers and other types have mostly all said they were nice people....willing to help, nice, never a problem. People who have family members who were like that said, no way, a member of their family could never do that.
But they did.
So, when you condemn someone in the community think about what you are doing. When defend your friend, know them for what they are.....NOT what you think them to be. Don't be blind. If they are your friend, then whatever they are...it falls on your then to prove that friendship....but I'm sure there are limits to even what one can tolerate from a friend or family member regarding killing and such.
Look before you jump. It was true when you were a kid...its even more true now.
'nuff said
Monday, January 19, 2009
A rant and a half
...voting procedures are delegated to the states, and well past 1924 some states misused this power to continue to deny Native Americans the right to vote. For example, as late as 1962, New Mexico still overtly prohibited Native Americans from voting.It also says:
Legal obstacles.
Historically, there were four major arguments used by states to justify their continued disenfranchisement of Native voters:
1) Indians were under federal guardianship, or were federal "wards," and therefore not independent and competent for voting;
2) Indians living on reservation lands were residents of their reservation and not of the state (even though the Supreme Court declared all reservation Indians residents of their states in 1881);
3) Indians did not pay state taxes and, therefore, should not be able to affect revenue decisions; and (Utah disenfranchised Indian voters by claiming that Indians residing on reservations did not qualify as residents of the state, despite the 1881 Supreme Court decision to the contrary. This statute stood until 1957 when, under threat of reversal by Supreme Court, the state legislature abolished it.);
4) Indians were not "civilized," and their continued participation in their Tribal communities precluded participation in other elections.
Cultural obstacles. It was this last legal prohibition, the requirement that Native Americans be "civilized" before being granted the right to vote, that compounded the already complex and difficult issue of citizenship and civil participation for Natives. Many Indians had no interest in U.S. citizenship and even sought to reject it. Some believed that accepting citizenship with the very government that had oppressed one's community seemed tantamount to treason, or, at best, foolishness.
Past governmental efforts at registering or identifying community members had been for the purpose of taking land, relocating a community, or forcefully removing children to boarding schools. These experiences, ingrained in the collective memory of Native communities, are apparent in the ongoing resistance to "register" for a government ID, to "register" to vote, or, to "register" for any purpose with any governmental entity.
These concerns were only exacerbated by the requirement of many states, including Idaho, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, that Indians had to relinquish their tribal allegiances and become "civilized," according to the majority community's standards, before they were able to vote. The negative association between betrayal of their own community and voting has had long-lasting effects on current attitudes toward voting in the Native community.
1957. The year I was born. Utah is the state where my tribe is located.
Most of us take our right to vote for granted. I know I do. I also know that most of us Native People have no idea just how badly we have been denied. We were not even citizens of our own country.
How fucked up is that?
Black, women...were all given the right to vote years before we were.
How fucked up is that?
So, what's my beef?
Around the country, Indians are increasingly getting elected to state office and taking part in a political process that they once kept at arm's length.
"Indians were here first -- it's about time," said former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who was the only American Indian in Congress from 1992 to 2004. "We're way behind the African Americans and Hispanic Americans in getting politically involved, but we're beginning to take a page out of their notebook."
While Indians are rare in Congress -- Rep. Tom Cole, a Chickasaw from Oklahoma, is the only one -- 48 are serving in 12 state legislatures, up from 36 a couple of years ago. Oklahoma has the most, 10, followed by eight in Montana, seven in Alaska and five in New Mexico, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Leech Lake tribal chairman George Goggleye, blames the dearth of Indian lawmakers on racism, lack of political experience and money, and the tribes' relatively small numbers.
Nighthorse Campbell suggested another reason: hostility toward the U.S. political system. He said that when he first ran for office, militant Indian friends questioned why he would get involved with a government they viewed as the enemy.
So, I wonder, when are we going to get our head out of the tee pee and into the rest of the world? Yes, I know we go on and on about the poverty and such of the reservations but do something while you are there...take advantage of any and all opportunities that are available. Then do as some of the others have done and go into office and change things from the inside. Be useful. not 'nuff said at all...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Forgiveness and other fables...
I find I'm not a very forgiving person...at least, not with people I loathe. I should have been shocked to find this out.
I wasn't.
But, for all its intensity, its not lasting. I mean, if I waste any time actually thinking about it, the loathing is there. But in my day to day life....it won't be in any thoughts. I don't have time for it. It takes too much energy and I have better things to do.
I will admit...and do keep this under your hat, that I am just the bit amused by it. Oh yes, it gives me some giggle time imagining various tortures and such...what I'd say, etc. I do love the grand speech...besides, isn't that villains do?
I had to think if I would accept an apology. I know I haven't been asked to accept one, but the possibility of it was presented. What would I do? Would I accept it graciously? Would I curl my lip and sneer at it? I just don't know. I know if I were to accept it, it would be....a fake acceptance on my part. I wouldn't mean it and I wouldn't have actually accepted it. It would be more honest of me to refuse it.
But who wants honesty any more?
Fortunately, I haven't had to answer that question. Nothing has been mentioned and I believe, that it won't ever be. Many do think I would be gracious. That would be the correct thing to do. It would be the Christian thing to do, turn the other cheek and all.
Well honey, I've run out of cheeks a long damn time ago.
Nor am I Christian. I have a belief in a creator. I think, I even believe in Jesus. But everything else I gots serious doubts about. I don't believe a God would send down all these rules and thing concerning women, making them.....less. I believe the bible was written by men, not inspired by God, but to put forth their own agenda regarding women.
ok, I'll stop now. I'm about to go off on a rant about religion and I don't want to do that. But to finish the thought...I consider myself to be a Buddhist. I like the philosophy. It really says, just be responsible for your actions. Jesus pretty much said the same thing, but no one really listened. They still aren't...and human kind has had over 2000 years to wake up and smell the damn roses.
sheesh, there I go again, off on this tangent.
So, unless I actually believe someone has actually taken responsibilty for their actions, no forgiveness from me. I'm still waiting on Jimmy Swaggert to actually be sorry...along with some other well known sinners.
Bring the brass monkey in tonight....
'nuff said........
Monday, January 12, 2009
A new year has rolled around..
It might be a new year, but its still the same old, same old.
Yup, same shit, different year.
I wish I knew why am I so dissatisfied here lately. The cats are healthy, so no problem there. I have a little money....well, that hasn't really changed, I always have only a little money.
I know for a fact that I'll be moving soon. That could be it. I don't have that completely locked down yet. I don't like not knowing.
I'm also a wee bit tired of people on various sites that waste my time. "Help me do away with my nuts!". Talk to a squirrel I suggest. They know all about nuts.
"Make me a sissy". What...I'm going to grab my magic wand and make you wear a dress? What am I, the sissy fairy? Get outta here....
Something new is happening..or maybe its nasty old business raising its ugly head again.
I don't think I wrote about that particular incident on here, but about a year ago, in Dec., some events happened that caused a big ole ruckus in the local bdsm community. Some officers of the board of one such group were removed.
Naturally, lines were drawn and people were divided. Who you stood with all depended on what facts you were privy too. Accusations were made: some true, some less than factual and people made their opinions known.
Well, to make a long story short...very short. I basically told a person she was fulla shit. I get a letter from her husband and he tells me I am not 'worth it'...and slaps me around in an email. Its good for a giggle because I know what they don't know. I called on her to make apologies to a couple of groups. He told me she didn't have to apologize for anything.
Well, turns out I was right....and yes, she did end up apologizing to some people...tho, not to me.
Now, these people are up for membership in a group I'm a part of. I'm not happy about that. I'm told I'm over reacting, but yanno, a hyena does not change its temperament. I will resign my membership if they are admitted. Ya, I know, its drama. But there are times when only drama will serve.
I see trouble ahead. Just call me Cassandra.
'nuff said