Thursday, March 02, 2006

The fear of god......

Radical christians are scary.

No, they are terrifying.

Now, before you get the pitchforks and torchs...let me say that I like god. I think a lot of god and his works and believe it or not...we sometimes have lengthy talks.

Ok, I talk, god listens. Which sort of shakes my image of god as male figure because what man ever really listens to a woman? hmmmm?

I've been reading things on the the church in kansas that sends its people out to protect at soldier funerals that god hates us for this and that. Or there is the catholics taking on South Park because they said something about Jesus's mama.

You got religion as lobbyists now...slowly but surely removing things that the forefathers....uncannily smart men, put in there to INSURE separation of church and state.

Separation of CHURCH and STATE. That means, religion should NOT be a part of the running of this country. This is enough to make me want to run for office. But, it could be like that owner of strip bars who wants to run for either city council or school board.....his neighbours are having kittens. But the guy is a family man.....who cares for his community. So he's not a lily white moralist. Who is anymore? I bet some of those fine people railing about him get blow jobs and have had sex anally. They better stay away from Indiana.

I want the church out of my house, out of my personal business and for damn sure, I want them OUT of my womb. Unless he's a GYN, there is not a damn thing the pope or the preacher down the street knows about my body. So out...out out out!

They are as invasive as the government!

The government....are as scary as the radical christians. Actually, they are interchangable.

You have people with little law background making up laws that will get them reelected by church people.

I live in Indiana. Indiana law: " IC 35-41-1-9 “Deviate sexual conduct means an act involving 1) a sex organ of one person and the mouth or anus of another person; or 2) the penetration of the sex organ or anus of a person by an object.”

In other words, if it involves blow jobs, butts or batteries, it’s “deviate” sexual conduct here in Indiana." It doesn't matter if this is behind closed doors or not.

So, where are they going to put all those law makers, kids, moms, dads.......shit...practically everyone in the state? We will have the worse overcrowding of jails in the US....not to mention...who will be left to lock everyone up?

I know Bill Clinton better not drop by this state.

Please check out this link, because, I ain't making this stuff up.