Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Him/Herself as a title.....for the Irish in all of us!

The Irish have a way of referring to someone that I find unique and something worth emulating. It is referring to that person as Himself or Herself. "How is Himself this evening?" You immediately know that they are referring to someone they highly consider.

The reason I consider this worth something is that no one would be using that stupid phrase "my Sir/Ma'am" anymore. That is, if I could be influential in anyway. "girl, where is your Sir/Ma'am/Dominant/Master/Mistress at?" "Himself/Herself is having a cigarette with the others." While it may not be .... grammatically correct, it does have a certain 'air' about it. It would still sound better if they would refer to their dominant by his or her name rather than by a title. Less confusing.

I do not ever expect anyone to stop using that idiot phrase: my Sir/Ma'am, but wouldn't it be grand if they did?

'Course then, someone would be grousing about the use of Him/Herself.........

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