Sunday, May 07, 2006

A bit more of things, a bit about me

There is so much to write about that I can't say a word about. I will say this; It must be spring because everyone is running around trying to mate with anything with a hole.

Geezus holy cow.... Someone slip some saltpeter into the water supply.

I'm on a number of bdsm egroups related to Indiana. What a happy bunch of people they all are. One of them is just going nuts with some loyalty issues.....they are just about to 'rule' themselves to death. Another one is just too .... tight knit for me. I'm not part of the crowd, nor do I wish to be, but I'm so not interested in being posted to death about their kids, their life, or the zit on their face and to please pray for them. I don't care. Don't tell me about it. I'm not interested in cutesy posts, humourous joke posts, forwards, warning about urban legends, patriotism bs...etc. Sending emails to groups isn't going to help bring the soldiers their lives or anything else. Want them home? Email the president fercrissakes. Email or call your congressman, your governor, someone who CAN make a difference, but for gawdsake, don't email me because I can't do a damned thing.

Oh ya...when they get on these lists and just chit they are talking in a room, why don't they have the common sense to frigging take it offlist so the rest of us don't have to puke while reading it? Usually, I delete it. I use google mail (gmail) for list mail......they let you see just enough of the post that you can make an informed decision to delete the post or not.

ya...I love my gmail. Hits the 'spot'. :)


I thought I might address this as I know some people actually read this pitiful blog now and then.

I do not like to be touched.

Really. As odd as it sounds, I do not like to be hugged or touched anywhere when I don't know the person, where I think none too highly of that person or in a crowded area. Even my 'boys' that I see.....they never touch me unless I first extend a hand or foot..etc. I decide to touch someone: they do not touch me. I don't feel slighted when everyone around me is hugging each other. It makes me happy to see them so comfortable. I don't care that 'well, we just hug everyone around here!" Oh no you don't....get away from me.

You would never believe I was raised Southern would you? Southerns are huggers. They shake your hand and then pull you in for a swift hug. Good gawd but that used to drive me nearly mad. Not so bad if they were in long sleeves or something, but I hate the touch of bare skin on mine.

Now you are wondering how I managed to have sex. Well darlings, that wasn't an issue! And that is ALL you need to know about that! Oh yea..and that it was always only 'nilla men.

Ok, touching. I have touched too many people that made my skin crawl from the impressions I would get off of them. Not that they were bad people.....but something about them would make my skin crawl even before they would extend a hand. Now... when I shake hands, I've mentally prepared beforehand. Not that I know a lot of people that are creepy crawly. I know one like that...and I avoid him as best I can. Now, I just smile and nod in greeting. It's still good manners. Look at the Japanese!

Yeah, I know....I sound whacked in the head.


Now you know why sometimes, I won't voluntarily touch someone. Its not them, its my mindset.

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