Saturday, December 10, 2005


There is this song by a band called Nickleback. It's called "Photograph". I imagine a few of you have heard it. Its a cool song.

My god, the memories it conjures up! While I do not remember much of my childhood, I do remember a lot of high school (I believe hell is a mix of junior and senior high school). This song does not remind me of my high school time. It does remind me of a time about 15 yrs ago...and a much closer time of 5 yrs ago.

Those were the best and worst years of my life.

The best parts were hanging around with my friends, listening to music, driving too fast, drinking too much.....and smoking too much of the wacky tobaccy. It was going to the beach just to watch the sun come up with yer best buddies and a special buddy.

I remember going there, at separate times....with 2 special someones. Its amazing how one can remember the sounds, the smells....the indignation when one of them is girl watching....and yer not the girl! But, I also remember the good times when it all seems to come together with the one yer with. It all ends though. Everything has to end.

One of my special someone's is dead though. I remember how I felt. That's all I have to say about that. The other one is still alive and well though. We talk now and then.

Itwasn't all good, it wasn't all bad. I miss my friends though, but value the ones I have now every bit as much.

"Look at this photograph! Everytime I do it makes me laugh........."

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