Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tis the season to be.....

Ain't he just the cutest thing? I had to retire the thing on my keyring I had been carrying around with me for like....good god...nearly 20 yrs.
I'm sure this little fellow will be the cause of some whispers and looks.......

Jake wasn't left out this holiday season..... Aside from all the ham he could eat.... Master Jake also enjoys his new toy guaranteed to drive me nuts from all the swishy noises that it makes!

You can't see from the photo he sort of lazily sticks his paw in the open side and pushs the ball around. He also sticks his tail in, his back paws and the blankies he's lying on. He'll grab onto the thing and just gnaw on it while pushing his back legs against it...... I'm not sure what he's trying to do, but it sure makes me laugh when I catch him at it.

How lucky am I that I have friends that know exactly what I like....and that I'm happy that the animals in my life are happy.

I'm damn lucky in my opinion......

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Police raid home, seize B&D videos!


Police Seize Woman's ComputersDecember 16, 2005 By KEN BYRON, Courant Staff Writer

ENFIELD -- Police are investigating a local woman who produced bondage and domination videos at her home and then sold memberships to customers who watched them on her website.Deputy Chief Carl Sferrazza said the Montano Road house was searched in November and that no charges have been filed against the woman, Michelle Silva. He would not say what kind of criminal activity is being investigated.
Sferrazza said investigators seized computers along with a number of other items, which he would not specify.He said police started investigating Silva early this year after neighbors complained of suspicious activity that included lots of traffic and people often coming to the house at night. Sferrazza said neighbors also saw a number of cars with out-of-state license plates.
The computers are being examined at state police forensic computer lab. Sferrazza said the outcome of that examination will determine what police do next. Silva said she obeyed all local and state laws in running the website and said the search violated her rights. "I'm upset and I'm confused," she said about the investigation.
Silva said customers bought memberships through her website, on which she calls herself Empress M, that let them watch bondage and domination videos on the site. She said she produced all the videos at her home, except for one that was made in Arizona by another producer and which she paid for. The models in the videos were paid, Silva said.
Daniel Silver, Silva's New Britain lawyer, said she has done nothing illegal and he has filed motions in Superior Court in Enfield seeking to have the computers returned to her.
"I have some basic First Amendment issues with that search," he said. "No one has been charged with a crime and the material that was seized is not contraband. The material may not be to my taste, but it is permitted."
Silva said the website was her sole source of support and the seizure of her computers has put her out of business. Although the website was still up Thursday, she said it cannot be modified until she gets her equipment back. She said she started the business in July 2004.

A year in review?

I've been seeing a number of people do their 'year in reflection'.
It amazes me they can see past their pile of crap to actually see the mirror AND once they do, how can they stand to see what is reflected back?

Oh yeah, I forgot....they are self-deluding. My bad....

My year in review is that it wasn't the worst of times, it wasn't the best of times. I pissed a lot of people off which didn't bother me one wit. Actually, more people needed pissed on rather than pissed off but I don't do toilet sports.

I made new friends, I found out just who were my friends were. I traveled a bit, I had the best times right here at home. It is actually friends have very different ideas than I have about some things but we still get along because well....we don't judge the other one. Opinion is stated, debated and life goes on. No one has to agree with me. They simply have to be interesting and not an asshole.....or vice versa. You'd be suprised at how hard people like that are to find....especially within the lifestyle.

I was going to tell you about my weekend, which thanks to someone's mother just ROCKED! Thanks to everyone who was there iffen you see this. The weekend however, is just something I'm going to keep to myself though....though, I think next time I take off somewhere, Jake either comes with me or I get a cat sitter.

Ever see a cat sulk? It ain't pretty.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


There is this song by a band called Nickleback. It's called "Photograph". I imagine a few of you have heard it. Its a cool song.

My god, the memories it conjures up! While I do not remember much of my childhood, I do remember a lot of high school (I believe hell is a mix of junior and senior high school). This song does not remind me of my high school time. It does remind me of a time about 15 yrs ago...and a much closer time of 5 yrs ago.

Those were the best and worst years of my life.

The best parts were hanging around with my friends, listening to music, driving too fast, drinking too much.....and smoking too much of the wacky tobaccy. It was going to the beach just to watch the sun come up with yer best buddies and a special buddy.

I remember going there, at separate times....with 2 special someones. Its amazing how one can remember the sounds, the smells....the indignation when one of them is girl watching....and yer not the girl! But, I also remember the good times when it all seems to come together with the one yer with. It all ends though. Everything has to end.

One of my special someone's is dead though. I remember how I felt. That's all I have to say about that. The other one is still alive and well though. We talk now and then.

Itwasn't all good, it wasn't all bad. I miss my friends though, but value the ones I have now every bit as much.

"Look at this photograph! Everytime I do it makes me laugh........."