Friday, January 23, 2009

A little story

Way back in my archives here, there is story of a little sub that did.

She bad mouthed her Dominant to any and all. Because of that, he took a lot of unwarranted abuse from the community.

This is wrong you idiots. If someone is being bad mouthed find out why. Don't just depend on one version of the truth.

There are 3 sides. Always. 3 sides.

Someone else's
and the truth.

It won't be easy figuring out what is what, but dig. Don't just jump in on one side of the other. Unless you are a close friend to one or the other. In that case, you are somewhat prejudiced and no one should listen to you anyway unless you were actually present at what ever broke the camel's back and even then what you say should be taken with a tub of salt.

Investigate. If the law behaved like some of the frelling people in the bdsm community, all our asses would be in jail. All of us...even our pets.

All dominants who are accused are villains. All submissives who say they are abused are telling the truth.

You believe that statement? If you do, you are a bigger fool than I thought I wish you'd just go away in case it rubs off on me or something.

Any of you ever hear of the word 'revenge'? Think about it a moment. Think a little more....yup. You got it. NOT all dominants accused are abusive and not all subs are truthful about the abuse.

Think people, think........use what little brains you have left.

I've defended friends. I know you have to. We all have. Its good to defend your friends, and if they are really your friend, then you already know a bit of what they are really like. Are they capable of what ever might have happened?

Yes? No? No way they could ever do something like that?

Here's a little truth to you. People who live next door to paedophiles, serial killers and other types have mostly all said they were nice people....willing to help, nice, never a problem. People who have family members who were like that said, no way, a member of their family could never do that.

But they did.

So, when you condemn someone in the community think about what you are doing. When defend your friend, know them for what they are.....NOT what you think them to be. Don't be blind. If they are your friend, then whatever they falls on your then to prove that friendship....but I'm sure there are limits to even what one can tolerate from a friend or family member regarding killing and such.

Look before you jump. It was true when you were a kid...its even more true now.

'nuff said

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