Saturday, January 07, 2006

Cat bathing as a martial art.....

One of the things they teach you in martial arts is not to take your eyes off your opponent.

If your cat is your opponent...never take your eyes off the cat...and NEVER remove your hand no matter how calm he seems to be.

I didn't know cats could levitate.

Jake can.

I have a few new scars...nothing that won't eventually heal.

But Jake's attitude....after awhile....after he got most of the water off of him. He came up to where I was typing and curled up in his spot. He's been very cuddly since his bath. Its like he's saying he'll be good if I don't try to drown him again.

Poor guy. He's pulling out his fur and I'm not sure if it from fleas...which are now all drown or from something else. He was fine last year. But last year, he still had his 'manhood'. This year, what is different is that he's been neutered. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.

We are both recovering now.....

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