Sunday, January 01, 2006

A new year's resolution....

At the beginning of every new year, some of us make resolutions that we never follow up on or have no intentions of keeping anyway.

I have one that I simply need do one simple thing.

Be polite.

I've noticed that todays children have horrible manners. To be sure, most of them have the basics, but lets say....inner city kids, rich kids, kids raised in barns have the manners of a gnat. Why is this? Where did the basic politeness go to?

Parents. Parents do have the manners. They simply aren't passing many of them on to their spawn. Perhaps they felt that what they were taught was too restrictive in some way and this is their way of rebelling.


Manners enable one to function in everyday life. It enables all of us to treat everyone equally no matter what our station in life is. Is simple yes? There is no need to look at someone who serves you, say like a waiter, gas station attendent or who ever else who works in hospitality as someone lower than you. Be polite. It pays. Sometimes it even gives bonuses. If you are rude, then damnit, you deserve what you are dealt. It costs you nothing to be polite. A thank you, or a please brings instant response where as a command (unless you are in the military) will get you slower service and a surly waiter...or customer service representive.

Polite manners show what type of person you really are.

Are you classy or no count?

'nuff said

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